Wednesday 29 October 2008

-We only realise the true value of things after we've lost them.

Okay the times are setting in again. Its after exams, I got promoted, holidays are coming up, but I'm just feeling so crappy. Don't take this literally, but its hard for me to face myself in the mirror sometimes, if you know what I mean.. Though it may not seem that way on the outside, I find it hard to keep going sometimes. A part of me has been ripped away and I just cannot go on without it. The worst part is that it was me that ripped it away. And now I don't know if I could ever find it again, or if I could ever heal. Seems like that part healed alot faster than I will ever heal. [Self-regenerative powers eh.]

Maybe it just isn't in me to let go after a true attachment to the person starts eh. I guess it must sound like a pile of bull to you, but this post's title is becoming so real for me.

Nonetheless, today was quite alright. We had 2 hours of school, half of which was spent slacking in a classroom which we were supposed to clean. Turns out we were just sitting around on the tables, slapping butts and bullshitting time away. (:
Went for gym after that. Must say I don't quite like the feeling, but the after effects are rather good.
That about concludes my day. The rest was bullshit :/

I know I know, posts like these = /losereaders
But what can I say, its a blog. And the blog title's that way for a reason yeah. Sorry to all the bored readers out there though.

ANW, my previous post still stands. :)

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