Sunday 21 June 2009


Heyhey guys, looks like I left it off over here in a not so exultant tone. So i've been trying desperately to study while I've been away, and I've actually managed to do a little.. Hah. Yeah.. Anw, I had my three days of holidays that were just awesome. Was out pretty much the entire 3 days with friend(s), had fun chatting and doing shit, and had a little to drink. (:
Anw, its back to studies for now. Or at least attempts at studying. I'll post some pics up next time. Theres me and my churchies at bottle tree park, me and that-girl-i-met#6 and me and that-girl-i-met#372. Hahahah. d= Nah.
Oh yes, and i just had an xray done for my teeth yesterday, and looks like the roots of my two bottom wisdom teeth are growing dangerously close to some 2 main nerves or smth. Dentist said it's gonna be pretty tough so it won't just be an extraction. It'll be a SURGERY...

Haha the blank space was to let that sink in for a moment.. But nah, its probably just another extraction.. After my As probably? He was saying. You gotta do it Immediately after As. So i guess I'll be missing out on going out for a day or so. Haha damn.
Alrightalright, its time to go. So, I'll see all you soon yeah (: Missing you guys already..

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