Wednesday 27 May 2009


someone take me away.
take me far away.
so i can't find my way back.
and I'll be lost. But not alone.

Anyway, apart from all that, looks like the school term's coming to an end for a month. Will definitely miss all you guys in school! Yes even all you people that I rarely ever say hi too cos I'm too Shy. Haha. Yup. Had Astons with 3 of my classmates today and it was awesome, after that we walked around serangoon gardens and explored abit. Saw some cool stuff, plus a special cage for our class mascot! I've gotta say, serangoon gardens would be a lovely place to live in. The environment is just so non-singapore-ish.. like where else can you find narrow bricked roads with benches below trees in the middle of them!
Yup. Awesome. School should cancel assembly altogether and let us go on food hunting trips around singapore :D agree?

Thursday 21 May 2009


Hey guys! I'm back. I've been on MC for the past 2 days, and the first day was fine cos of all the catching up on sleep and all, but today was seriously treading thinly on the edge of utter boredom. :/ I need my friends see. D: Haha, anyway, its been raining start-stop for the whole afternoon and I've been reading my geog notes a little at a time. A little dampening on the mood, but the weather's awesome when the rain stops. (: 

Just a random thought: I Can't wait for my 18th birthday. :D

My friend just linked me this MV.. Tells a pretty sad story..

Enjoy (:
[its jap btw, if you dont like jap and all. im no big fan, but its worth a look!]

Yup, anw its gonna be crazy study mode pretty soon, with As coming up and all. Plus I'm rather far behind. So I've gotta start soon..
Annd, for those that are interested, I'll be at amk library monday-friday every week during the june hols. Haha okay maybe not EVERY of those monday-fridays, but I'll be there often. So if you need a study buddy (oo it rhymes!), just give me a ring alright?

Monday 18 May 2009

Thought provoking thoughts.

1>Have we ever wondered what kind of people we are? Many a time we are just ignorant about it, or we don't even care.

2>What is it about us that makes our friends want to be with us?

3>And what is it about us that makes others distance themselves from us?

4>But the main question is, if we look at our lives that we have led thus far, what do we actually think of ourselves? What do we think about all we have done? And what do we think about what we did not do?

5>What do we see in ourselves that we know is right and can be truly be proud of, and not merely proud of because of our ego?

6>Do we see ourselves as being someone who cares more for others, or for ourselves? Would we do something for others at the expense of something that we treasure for ourselves? It may be the reputation for some, or time for others. Would we? Or have we?

7>Lastly, even when we know what we are like, do we show our good side often enough? Do we try to fix our flaws? And how much effort do we put into fixing those flaws? Enough to really help us change? Or merely enough to Show ourselves that we are trying even though very often, it doesn't seem to work?

I'm just throwing some thoughts into this little box. If this post seems like its talking to you, pointing its stubby little finger accusingly at you, then my reader, I'm sure we have things to work on! If it doesn't, then good job living your life, I'm sure many love to have you around.. (: 

But frankly, I think I've got much to change, and I can't wait to do so. Its not gonna be easy, but I'm up for the challenge. Because I'd rather live a life making others happy more often than making myself happy. So here's a shoutout to my buds out there, give me a heads-up when you think I need to change something. Nicely though haha. And this starts now. [:

Saturday 16 May 2009


the place with the awesome menus AND toilets. (with really good pictures and all. lol.) I mean, they had a huge wall of pretty darn good pictures right in your face when you stood at the urinal to pee. like shiet. how do you pee when you have all those pics in your face! You'd probably have other stuff flowing into the urinal. Thats probably the only toilet I've been to that has a good reason why their urinals are white. rofl. D:

ANYWAY. Had a great time there celebrating potato's birthday. Their chicken wings were awesome. we got like 100 of them :D And it was damnnnnn funny when they dressed potato up like one of the hooter's girls, with a wig and feathery scarf and all. haha. we were like laughing our heads off. Here are just a couple of pics of us:

Extra special highlight of the night: Jacques got drunk drinking really expensive mineral water. LOL.