Sunday 12 April 2009


Hey guys! its time for a quick little update. (:

Its been a boring weekend and I didn't really go out much. But guess what, I've been eating cookie after cookie. [So let's call it the cookie weekend. awesome. :D] Anyway, their the huge, round subway ones with big chunks of chocolate in them. (: yum. and well, the box of 12 is down to 2 now. haha. damn. :/ its time to start rationing.

On the topic of food, I had lunch at Vivo earlier today and it was damnnn good. Ate at this place called Dian Xiao Er on the second level of Vivo and the food was just awesome. Had some 6 or 7 course meal where every single course was awesome! And their well known for their roast duck, which of course, was awesome as well. Apparently there's this thing about awesome today, and its really hard to put it in words and all, so I'll just leave it as:

Awesome this + Awesome that = 
Pure Awesome-ness.

Haha. Yup. Oh and do you guys realise something? The more you stare at any word, like 'awesome', the stranger it looks? Like your eyes are slowly breaking it into its syllables and your brain just catches on to 'awe' and 'some'. Lol. Randomosities of life.

Anyway, its time for me to get back to my cookies, and MAYBE start on abit of work which I've barely touched this entire weekend.. Life really sucks nowadays. Its like we HAVE to study 24/7 or we just fall behind.. Plus I cant believe some guy got straight As for block test. Like woah. o.o Though he's probably some scholar and all.

So yup, cya all my loyal little readers [: I'll try to keep the updates more regular yeah..

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