Sunday 26 April 2009

Hey guys! I just got the permission from my awesome friend who took this awesome photo with a phone camera! No editing and stuff. The way some of the clouds blend in the background and the way the others jump out of the picture in the midst of the HDB blocks make it seem so unreal, but yet so real at the same time.

What a wonderful world we live in. 
If we really open our eyes to it, In everything and everyone,
only beauty will we see.

Sunday 12 April 2009


Hey guys! its time for a quick little update. (:

Its been a boring weekend and I didn't really go out much. But guess what, I've been eating cookie after cookie. [So let's call it the cookie weekend. awesome. :D] Anyway, their the huge, round subway ones with big chunks of chocolate in them. (: yum. and well, the box of 12 is down to 2 now. haha. damn. :/ its time to start rationing.

On the topic of food, I had lunch at Vivo earlier today and it was damnnn good. Ate at this place called Dian Xiao Er on the second level of Vivo and the food was just awesome. Had some 6 or 7 course meal where every single course was awesome! And their well known for their roast duck, which of course, was awesome as well. Apparently there's this thing about awesome today, and its really hard to put it in words and all, so I'll just leave it as:

Awesome this + Awesome that = 
Pure Awesome-ness.

Haha. Yup. Oh and do you guys realise something? The more you stare at any word, like 'awesome', the stranger it looks? Like your eyes are slowly breaking it into its syllables and your brain just catches on to 'awe' and 'some'. Lol. Randomosities of life.

Anyway, its time for me to get back to my cookies, and MAYBE start on abit of work which I've barely touched this entire weekend.. Life really sucks nowadays. Its like we HAVE to study 24/7 or we just fall behind.. Plus I cant believe some guy got straight As for block test. Like woah. o.o Though he's probably some scholar and all.

So yup, cya all my loyal little readers [: I'll try to keep the updates more regular yeah..

Sunday 5 April 2009

Its the 5th. and Im feeling so far away..

Just a fear.
I don't wanna be just another guy, or just another crush.
not this time. not ever.
I don't wanna be the guy who's everything you could want,
but not the one you want.
Tell me I'm being silly.
Tell me its not true.
Tell me that Im the one you want.
And I'll smile to myself for the entire day.
And the rest of the days after that.
Today's real post:
I've been feeling so weird the entire day, I don't know if you can sense it.
But I can't put my finger on it.
It feels like I need someone next to me, whom I know is there for me,
who will just turn to give me a hug, and to whom I can do the same.
Someone who shares something special with me, and only me.
And it doesn't matter whether its silence between us or not.
Its just that person being there that matters..

And I wanna be that someone for you too..

Saturday 4 April 2009

Orientation 2009!

Hey guys! Just reminiscing the past right now. And I realised I forgot to put up orientation pictures! So here's just what I've got right now (: Orientation was rather fun, thanks to the really retardedly funny ogls, and our ogms..
Enjoy :)

Lol Random pictures with foreigners at Sentosa. It was some activity that we had to do.. Some of them actually didn't want to take pictures with us cos they were pissed that so many groups of people were just constantly running to them and asking for photos every few steps they took.
These were the friendlier ones lol:

Day 4! [Day 3 was CCA Bazaar, so I dont have any pictures of that ):] Just before disco night and just after dinner! Everyone was gearing up for the night already and we were just taking pictures and having some fun :D

I think we were ABOUT to watch the dancing king and queen nominees dance. The guy dancers were amazing thise year, but frankly I still prefer RJ's dancing for the girls haha.

Just after disco night! With all the lights on and stuff. Pretty much drenched in sweat but you can't really see it from here.. It was fun.. It was. (: [Haha, I paused to think back.] Oh yes, I remember, at the ending of disco night I got partnered up with RJ on stage! And yeah, pretty awesome. (:

Marty 5!

Here are a few pictures that I have of the people I specially wanna thank for helping me throughout orientation. Their great people yeah (: 
[Haha I realised I don't have a picture of the 3 "jo's" together.. 
But it was jocelyn, jolyn and joshua!]



[Lol can you believe it, he's my kindergarten friend.]
And not forgetting all the other ogls and councillors who've been a great help! I don't have your pictures, but yeah. you're appreciated (:

And hello miss i-look-very-mature-especially-with-makeup!
Hope you're having fun now (:
Can't get you off my mind..
Actually, its more like I don't wanna. :)

Never Expected These.

>Words cant describe the disappointment i'm feeling right now..

>But anyway! I'm going swimming tmr, followed by touch rug! All nicely scheduled to fit into the morning.

>And something's changing. Cos I've been getting some sort of feeling recently. Something I haven't felt in a long time. And its a good thing. It makes me smile. (: