Sunday 30 November 2008

The Yule Reunion!
With special guest appearances: chiahow, kahchee, laura, wengfung and stephanie bay!

It was quite an event, mainly because of the damn good chicken wings and the chocolate cake! Though the number of people who attended was quite dismal.. There were only about 40 out of the 180 or so who were invited :/ But! I guess I had quite a good time eating, chatting and taking pics haha. There was like, a short video for us to watch and reminisce those days while we ate after which there was mass dance. In our Smart Casual attire. o: Sadly, I didn't dance..

Went to serangoon gardens with chia how after the thing ended and chilled at coffee bean till like 11 plus.. The coffee's pretty good, and chia how was watching the simpsons movie that some tiny little girl was watching on a laptop. Hah.

Anyway, I'm rushing off, so I just uploaded a couple of pics for you guys to look at and enjoy (: So do that!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Been Wondering..

Does trying to be a good friend to more than one make you a flirt?

There have indeed been rumours going about, but I don't really care about those. It's when my friends start wondering whether I'm a flirt that I care. If trying to be a good friend makes me flirt, should I stop being nice to people?

Okay let me be abit more specific, if being good friends with more than ONE girl makes me a flirt, should I stop making friends with girls? Should I just be distant to every single 'less important' one and just focus on being a friend to one?

I don't know. I just don't like people thinking I'm a flirt just cos I make friends with girls.

Or is it just me? Something about me that makes people think I'm such. Tell me.

As for the one who made me think about all these in the first place, I'm sorry, but for now I guess I won't 'flirt' with you anymore, if thats what you think it is. If talking to you, trying to cheer you up when you're down and going out for meals is called flirting and not just being a friend, then I guess I'll just stop what I'm doing.

I really don't know what else to do. I guess I should just be better friends with those who don't think I'm a flirt.

Maybe I'm sounding petty or something. But, I just don't like being thought of as a flirt.

And my mood's been pretty bad.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Hey guys!

Well, the ACS(I) match went pretty well.. It was really quite good even though we lost 10-0. Thats two tries to none for all you peepos who don't know the rugby scoring system (:

Anyway, this post is more towards emo again :/ I've been having fun times with the guys and all, trust me, it's really been great. But I'm feeling so empty these days. Theres no one to really talk to. Like reallyreally talk to. And no familiar voice to listen to everyday that won't become a irritation or a bore..

But I guess I gotta say thanks to you.. Everytime you talk, you brighten my day :) Seriously. You just know what to say somehow.. (= Thanks very much 88ra :D You should know.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Gosh, its soooo boring. I need a life. (and money to go with that please:)

I have a match coming up on tuesday against ACS(I).. And it's gonna be crazy man. I'm kinda expecting a terrible outcome, but we'll see how it goes yeah, plus we've got a few new moves to try out. It's gonna be interesting! :D 1 hour 20 minutes of pure entertainment lol.

( PLUSplus, this is gonna be my first time as a flyhalf/standoff for a 15s match. Lets hope all goes well (: )

Wednesday 12 November 2008


Hope you had fun training (or slacking) (: lol yes you. you know who you are..
The one who has won me so many times, but I just won yesterday haha. :D

Anyway, sorry I can't link you.. Whenever I try, blogger keeps saying theres an invalid letter or key or something in the URL.

Friday 7 November 2008

PW! is finally over..

Thanks for all the memories you guys have given me, and thanks for making the whole process fun and interesting =D Although there were times where there were small little petty problems, its the good memories we cherish eh..

Cheryl: Thanks for your leadership throughout the project work journey, its been a real motivation to us all. And a life-saver at times! I also want to thank you for helping us all do the things that we just didn't do, like our new GPP! You always seemed to be working the hardest (:

ChongChao: Thanks for the hard work you put in and the ideas you gave during all our meetings. Oh, and I must say that you gave some pretty darn good ideas for our project. AND, thanks for being such a clown sometimes, the things you do and the stuff you say seems to break the tension so easily and make us all laugh. =P

Yongxing: Thanks for the retardedness you put into all of us during this project and I know I was pretty harsh/irritating/annoying at times, but thanks for understanding why I get so worked up sometimes (: And thanks for being serious at the right time too.. Especially during the WR and OP period.

Pictures snapped today after our OP.

One of our assessors, Mr Peireira! Aka, our rugby teacher. Lol.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Sometimes, there are more than just one way to do something, it just takes more time to ponder over and decide..
I guess I've learned that even when things look like there's only one way out, it's just because we haven't found any other solutions..

I just wanna say, God is really awesome. He lets you be independent and decide everything for yourself, and at the moment when you can't take it anymore and you're just about to fall, and he comes in and lifts you back up on your feet in so many mysterious ways.. He does things that make your day in the subtlest of ways and personally for me, he brought so many of the greatest people into my life.
You know..
I'm just awed.

Monday 3 November 2008


When your love is not needed anymore, you give it to someone else.

But there will always be some put aside, for you, and you, and your.

[ok i kinda put the last phrase just to make it rhyme more.
couldn't think of how to write it..
but yeah although i've been single for awhile now..
my heart was still with someone..
but right now,
i truly am.]

Saturday 1 November 2008

Just got back from a chalet, and I'm shagged out. But no, not because of any special activities. (: The chalet was rather fun.. First time im staying overnight at a chalet for something not officially organised by some organisation or something, so yeah was quite cool. No longer have the "damn-I-needa-go-home-while-everyone's-staying" feeling.

Must say yuen's parents are really quite cool..

Stayed up pretty much the entire night, but finally gave in at about 5 or so? Slept for about an hour before yuenyee and aloy got back, after hearing what happened and seeing her in that state, couldn't really sleep anymore, so just kinda sat there and wondered how could I help :/ Couldn't really think of any way in which I could help.. Feel like there are so many things that I can't do to help anymore.. :/

Pretty much sat&wondered/played psp/chatted till lunch time before going to eat lunch. Went for a movie later. High School Musical 3. Although I was abit reluctant to pay 10 bucks for a HSM show, I guess it was pretty touching and all. Felt quite real..

Went home at 5 plus to bathe before going to meet my cousins at 7. Kinda slept at their place till like 10 plus. Got home at 11, went to sleep.

Today's a Sunday, and I just got back from church and lunch at shokudo! Yummy (: Went to browse Springfield for a while and found a few nice clothes there.. PLUS there's a sale going on. Up to 50%! But sadly, didn't buy anything cos the things I wanted were still pretty expensive. Oh wells. Yup.