Wednesday 29 October 2008

-We only realise the true value of things after we've lost them.

Okay the times are setting in again. Its after exams, I got promoted, holidays are coming up, but I'm just feeling so crappy. Don't take this literally, but its hard for me to face myself in the mirror sometimes, if you know what I mean.. Though it may not seem that way on the outside, I find it hard to keep going sometimes. A part of me has been ripped away and I just cannot go on without it. The worst part is that it was me that ripped it away. And now I don't know if I could ever find it again, or if I could ever heal. Seems like that part healed alot faster than I will ever heal. [Self-regenerative powers eh.]

Maybe it just isn't in me to let go after a true attachment to the person starts eh. I guess it must sound like a pile of bull to you, but this post's title is becoming so real for me.

Nonetheless, today was quite alright. We had 2 hours of school, half of which was spent slacking in a classroom which we were supposed to clean. Turns out we were just sitting around on the tables, slapping butts and bullshitting time away. (:
Went for gym after that. Must say I don't quite like the feeling, but the after effects are rather good.
That about concludes my day. The rest was bullshit :/

I know I know, posts like these = /losereaders
But what can I say, its a blog. And the blog title's that way for a reason yeah. Sorry to all the bored readers out there though.

ANW, my previous post still stands. :)

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Its getting really boring at home. I need to go out. And I need pics anyways!
Dates anyone?
Give me a text or a ring yeah!

Preferably not one to one for dudes please
. ;)

Monday 27 October 2008

Hey everyone! Could you guys give me a hand with this thingy.[Friend's Email]&r=muchachi

Just sign up and click on the email ads it sends you occasionally! It might not be much, but its still some extra cash (: Help me out alright, its all in your fingers :D

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Lol. I'm bored. Heres something that I did..





Lust:Very Low


The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Damn. Very low lust. I'll work on it soon (: Too tired by PW to lust anything...

Or not ;)

Monday 20 October 2008


Their intricacy is so amazing. Many a time the first thing you see in a picture is probably its most shallow meaning. Dive deeper into it and you will see the picture behind the picture. Whats to be seen, or what isn't?

Friday 17 October 2008

Hey guys, sorry for non-existant posts I've been promising before the exams. PW has been really crazy lately and now I'm catching a short little break before heading back into my WR. Its all for you guys. [: Your welcome. Hah.

Anyway, results are out and I kinda have mixed feelings about them.. I didn't meet the expectations I set for myself but I guess I did pass all the impt subjects anyway. Heres the list:
H1 GP - 48/100 [E]
H2 Physics - 49/100 [E]
H2 Geography - 61/100 [B]
H2 Maths - 51.5/100 [D]
H2 Economics - 48/100 [E]
H1 Chinese 43.1/100 [S]
Well, I guess on the bright side thats all I need to promote to next year..

Monday 13 October 2008

Hey guys, if your looking for some clothes, do come and visit Moda Reina! Its my friend's so no worries about problems with the transactions of goods yeah (:

Have a look around, stocks are currently being cleared so everything's prices have been slashed!

10th October 2008. 404 Class Gathering.
My Sincerest Apologies to all my loyal readers for my totally uninteresting posts of late. These few posts are for those who really give a damn and if you have no inclination into caring about others, then this is the point where you should stop reading and do something more productive.

Its been quite a rough time I've been having and I'd be a fool to expect all these problems to end here. You see, some problems I've created simply cannot be fixed. They are intertwined into my very being, my very existence, and severing them would mean making myself cease to exist.

When it comes to the matters of the heart, living with its problems wear you down, trying to solve them simply kills you. Why was love created to be so painful? Or is it merely our selfish and greedy ways that makes love that way.. I'm wondering.

Yet again, my apologies for the rantings of a guy who's facing problems in life some of which many of us face, others exclusively created by him, for him alone. What irony.

Friday 10 October 2008

i pretty much suck.

life is such a sad thing sometimes.
and when things aren't going the way you wanted them to go,
you begin to realise you're nothing more than a frail leaf
being blown about so strongly by the winds of uncertainty.

what makes it worse,
is that we aren't very wise.
and we tend to make mistakes that end up with us
losing those we cherish the most.

those that keep us warm when the coldest of gales blow,
those that stand by us when the hottest of droughts come by,
and put simply,
those that have been with us through it all.

after some time we change,
and we think that we can go on by ourselves,
and we fall from the branches holding us up,
only to get trampled on the ground beneath.

i've made a multitude of mistakes in my life,
some i will forever regret.
but like a leaf trampled on the ground,
there is no way things will ever be the same as before i fell.

i guess its pretty much my own to blame,
and for that,
i pretty much despise myself.
what an idiot i must be.

Thursday 9 October 2008

im sad.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Hey guys.. Exams just ended! But its getting boring already :/ And the prospect of PW and Chinese A Levels is simply horrendous. Actually not so much chinese lol, thats just another time waster. PW is the crazy thing here and its gonna start again pretty soon.. So all the best to all your guys with PW.
And not forgetting the majority of the population of this blog's readers of course, those who take chinese seriously and all. All the best to you o.o

Anyway, heres another DEmotivator for all you guys to help you through (:

I don't really have anything to post today.. But the moment I have stuff to post, it'll be up. Count on it. [I know you rely on this blog to survive ;)]