Tuesday 19 August 2008

Haha I twiddled with the camera and changed the effects using PhotoDJ.
My little tries at being artistic and all.. enjoy (:

A little cartoon effect from the back of the class!

And this ones abit more special. It took me awhile to tweak all the tiny little settings, lighting, contrast, texture and more. I kinda like the outcome.. Its kinda different from normal pictures but i just can't put my finger on what it is.. And it looks better on the phone! Trust me, on the comp screen the resolution makes it kinda normalified.

Monday 18 August 2008

Lonely days.. How i adore them. And the weather simply accentuates the whole ambience. The light rain, the cool temperatures and the chilly breezes. They're great (: I kinda agree with the fact that things were done for a reason, and its up to us how we want to live it out, whether its through sadness or happiness. Everything has a silver lining, its just how you see it..

Saturday 16 August 2008

to the miss whose sister's celebrating her birthday today,

my apologies to you for going crazy and doing and saying lotsa stupid stuff..
i guess i just needed some time to get my mind right.

would you mind starting over as friends?
leave me a tag with ur answer, or just say something, anywhere. (:
oh and happy birthday to ur sis too!

Saturday 9 August 2008

The hope has faded while my heart beats on,
with each beat hurting more than the last.
Soon my heart will cease to go on,
and I will come to pass.

So I'll set it in stone
and wait.

Hearing anything from me months ago would not have changed anything. Neither does hearing anything now nor hearing anything in the future. It will never change a thing, unless you make it so.
Now its my turn to wait to hear from you.
And hope that its the news I've been wanting to hear.

And let me be honest here,
Have you not made me into a stranger yourself. It feels like you're the one pushing me away, doesn't it?

Tuesday 5 August 2008

What do you think a guy would do when hes down and out of the game AND has a big pile of time to doodle and write during boring lessons?

This was earlier today. Way earlier.. The handwriting sucks thanks to me. I didn't really bother to write it neatly at all cause I never thought i would show anyone this, let alone the fact that anyone would ever see this. But i like the way this blog gets me to put up stuff thats so personal. So yeah. And yeah i probably should get over all this emo-shittiness cause it doesn't get my anywhere and it probably just makes me less.. of a person. The heart sucks so bad when its not content. Oh well. Sigh.

Oh yes, just a little something else:

Sometimes when you are all alone, there's a warm feeling on your shoulder. And then there is this enlightening, which sometimes makes you feel like you can fly. Next comes the whirlwind, where a huge tornado comes towards you and threatens to swing you far into the sky. But somehow, your feet are rooted to the ground. And you wonder, what happened? What kind of miracle was that? It was how a special someone came up to you and tapped you on your shoulder, and how He then took all your burdens away from you and stayed with you, protecting and comforting you when everything was a complete mess. The next time the whole world feels like its coming to the end, just believe that He'll be there, waiting to comfort you.

I'll be there. As best as i can (:

Monday 4 August 2008

Gosh. Putting pictures like these make me seem so gay. But what the heck, its an emotional breakdown. I've lost all control of emotions. So am i happy or sad? (:(

And now everyone knows.

Sunday 3 August 2008

I doubt you will read this, or by the time you do you would have probably forgotten about me. But this one's for you..

Memories of you drift through my mind as i live this pathetic excuse of a life and now everything i'm doing and everything i've done just doesn't seem to add up. I'm not proud of what I've done and I would do anything to take it all back. I know you have him now. And I know its too late for me and all hope is gone, but I just hope you know I've never stopped loving you, I still do, and I always will. I know you're too caring to say it straight to me, but from what I've heard from you, you've made it very clear, and I know that that 'someday' will never come again. Irregardless, I will still wait as long as I can for you and hope that I may be wrong about what you really mean.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Theres something that many people think they have, but few are likely to find out what it really is and why it was ever created...

What is it?
its something thats indescribable.

something like the breeze that blows gently across your cheeks everyday, invisible to you and me, but still there.

its something that runs through your veins, as though it has been there ever since the day you were born.

get a thousand of the best writers in the world, or even the poets of Greece, but none would ever know how to express themselves to you.

maybe a singer or two may know what it is, but they wont be able to sing it for you.

even a dancer would not be able to twirl you into understanding the simplicity of it.

but thats where i come in.
thats why im here.
and the faint image of what it really is slowly appears.

im just hoping that you won't forget why i've been holding on to you.

I guess I will never get to make the last sentence come true, but in here, I've never let you go. And now, memories are all that I have to try and figure out what the thing ever was. Or I may not find out at all. No matter how this will all end, I love you and you will always be here in my heart.

Friday 1 August 2008

bleah. emo-shietz.