Monday 21 July 2008

Hey there guys, the past few posts haven't exactly been the most upbeat, hip and cool things someone could blog about, but they had to be said. But, thankfully I THINK I'm all better now and thus a nice little post for ye faithful readers (:
This post is about my LTC experience and my group, LoveGood! =D

For all you people out there who are still unknowing of this amazing group of leaders, and friends. A group of people to be really specific. (:

Many a critique have commented on this picture. Apparently I look like I'm smoking, and enjoying every bit of it while staring with that look. However, I would love to pop that bubble of theirs [and presumably yours] that I am smoking. [Why that may be yours or their bubbles, I have no idea.] Anyhow, this was meant to be an emo shot in essence. Enjoy.

Haha a little twist for all you good people :) From Jun Yan and me.

Me, Jun Yan and Brian. Bra-thers.

Well, this was pretty fun (: It was a waltz that we were taught and had to dance during the campfire. Or 'Yule Ball' so they say.

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