Thursday 31 July 2008

My reputation will probably slide down the slippery path to God-knows-where after posting this. But, the boredom is simply killing me and I need some spark to brighten my night up.

Lol woah, was just surfing through and I came across this. Won't all we chauvinistic males love this. Things like this happen somewhere deep down in the recesses of our filthy minds. o: A joyride nonetheless.
Hey there all you peepos! Today was quite a great day for me, despite the extremely tough maths test we had in the morning.. The tutorials we were given did not give us any practice on the questions that came out for the test [or maybe its just cause I'm lousy].
BUT, on a lighter, more euphoric note, today's common lunch break [that is, Thursday 31 July 2008] was probably one of the most memorable common lunch breaks i have had since the start of my time in NYJC. Thanks to all my friends, supporters AND classmates[ruth,garfield,monkey], I'm Mr Nanyang! o: Haha sorry for the slight tinge of ego, but there ya have it and I cant say I'm not happy I got the title.

Just wanna thank all my friends and supporters AND classmates here firstly for nominating me [whoever you may be], encouraging me to join The Hunt 2008 and voting for me! Special commendations to RJ, Lilan, Ying Chen and Elysia for helping me through, and Ruth, Wendeline and XuanXuan for the support lol. thank you guys once again :D

Yup. And just to end this post off, heres a little egoistical, zilian, bhb, or whatever-you-wanna-call-it picture :D Taken the day we were briefed and seen for the first time by the council members.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Random post:
I was just letting my mind wander about stuff, and I think I have come to a conclusion!

Just for the record, and I think I'm speaking on behalf of a vast majority of the male population - the minority being the gays of course, that we do not like girls to be mysterious. A little bit of mystery, so to say, keeps things interesting and all [occasionally raising'interesting' to 'spicy' but lets not go there shall we ;)] , but we definitely do not like to be guessing about almost everything that has to do with you, us or both of us for that matter.

Monday 21 July 2008

Hey there guys, the past few posts haven't exactly been the most upbeat, hip and cool things someone could blog about, but they had to be said. But, thankfully I THINK I'm all better now and thus a nice little post for ye faithful readers (:
This post is about my LTC experience and my group, LoveGood! =D

For all you people out there who are still unknowing of this amazing group of leaders, and friends. A group of people to be really specific. (:

Many a critique have commented on this picture. Apparently I look like I'm smoking, and enjoying every bit of it while staring with that look. However, I would love to pop that bubble of theirs [and presumably yours] that I am smoking. [Why that may be yours or their bubbles, I have no idea.] Anyhow, this was meant to be an emo shot in essence. Enjoy.

Haha a little twist for all you good people :) From Jun Yan and me.

Me, Jun Yan and Brian. Bra-thers.

Well, this was pretty fun (: It was a waltz that we were taught and had to dance during the campfire. Or 'Yule Ball' so they say.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Wednesday 16th July 2008
I don't know how to say it.
But simply put,
I don't like getting played.
and it's happened twice this year alone.

Their starting to give me bad impressions. Soon it won't be worth it no more. Nothing will.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Tuesday 15th July 2008.
I heard something about someone today.
And I don't think I am very happy with that particular someone.
I don't think people should act this way.
And I don't think I deserve it either.
Go find someone else who deserves it.

Monday 7 July 2008

Hey there guys, misters, missus and mistresses! Just got back from Leadership Training Camp 2008 at Changi Coast Adventure Centre and its been a long tiring four days.. Apologies for no posts and so heres a quickie just to appease all you folks who are looking for a random picture, a picture that gets you thinking or, in an unlikely circumstance, a picture that lets you know more about me.
Well yeah, what the picture said, and hopefully with the opportunity of a special someone to be there to share those moments with me. The moments which started creating those laugh lines and the moments in time to come when they are looked at and cherished.