Monday 30 June 2008

Quick pics for East Coast Park on Sunday! I'll probably do tha captions some other time or something..

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Heres the extra random non-related post i know you guys have been waiting for:
AND an extra couple'a sentences:
When I was three, my mom would tell my brother and me that we could make the stoplight turn green if we blew the red one out like a birthday candle.

Once, my grandfather was in the car and we got to a red light, and my brother and I started blowing at the red light. He thought we were having asthma attacks, and my mom explained everything. At the next light he did it with us.

He died a few months later, and this is the only memory I have of him. I'm 18 now, and I still mentally try to blow out stoplights.

Hellos to all! I know i probably shouldn't be here blogging right now especially since im in the middle of my exams, but i dont have any papers tmr, so im here to post some pictures that happened last week.
[the more recent ones being on top]
Ok, so here goes:

Justin[:my brother], me, Peiying and Grace! Church service just ended, and grace had her camera, so as usual, she whipped it out and thus, these pictures.

Erm, i guess grace isn't that good at aiming with the camera yet D: but at least half of my brother's face was captured (:


me, Chris, Grace. We just had a day out at Sentosa and we all got pretty burnt lol. But we didn't manage to get pictures with the rest.. That was kinda sad. Anyway, we went with quite a huge group. I'll list them out later. Carrying on;

My brother, Grace and Breanna! Haha okay they don't look very burnt here. My brother didn't even look slightly red at all after the whole day at the beach. Probably cos hes really tan already.

Hah this picture is funny. No idea what my brother was looking at =P

And here we are on the monorail back to vivo. I gather that you should be able to tell who's who in this photo from the captions in the last few photos, UNLESS you didn't read them! Then i would be rather sad, cos im writing all these long, long captions for nothing. But anyhow, yet again, here we are.

BTW: My tans disappearing. wth. That was damn fast. :/
And heres the list of people who went to sentosa on friday, just for memories' sake: Shawn, Christopher, Isaac, Breanna, Charlene, Peiying, Cheryl, GraceC, GraceF, Justin, Jeremy and Joshua!
[sorry if i forgot whether you went, my brains whacked from maths and physics papers, a worthy excuse wouldn't you agree]:D

ANDD: Thats all folks (: Once again, ill grace you peeps with an extra post of a non-related picture totally. Later. If i remember. Nights!

Friday 13 June 2008

An extra picture for the pleasure of everyone! at least for those who were smart enough to know my blog address. i was surfing, being bored and all and i chanced upon it, oh the simplicity of it.

oh gosh. im running an appetite for you.
but you seem so distant, you're not here nor there, though i see you everywhere.
a poem is not to be trusted.

and so i leave you peeps with this.
well i know i havent been posting for a long long time but im back! haha and well, life's been getting better. stress and pressure buildup for my mid years in one week, but im feeling great. been making friends and all, friends that have always been around, friends that never made it past us being acquaintances.. and now, PICTURES!

just a random picture from raffles city - esprit. the next best thing you could do when ur shopping but cant buy much, [or anything for that matter] is to wear the stuff you like and take pictures! hah.

heres another random pic, me and jacques were rather bored sitting next to the fountain waiting for a-person-whose-name-slips-my-mind. and if you are wondering, yes thats his name and you pronounce it as jug. although i prefer calling him jackass[jac-ques] sometimes.

memories are great, and yeah i have the luxury of thinking back and remembering myself kicking a HCI guy. it was my first A Divs match in rugby and yes i know i dont look the size. i get that alot. heh but believe me, ive been through it, and size barely makes a difference in rugby. imma kick some fat guys butt!
anw back to the topic, yup it was real muddy. my friend got faceplanted and he kinda ate a mouthful of gritty poo. and for the record, NY BEAT HCI 22-5 in A Divisions 2008!

just a little something for those who wanna see a friendlier side of me, thats me! and RJ! haha shes seriously the nicest girl you could ever meet, reallyreally seriously. shes like an angel or something.. and this was taken after the Student Leaders Investiture 2008 in NYJC.
PS: we are just friends. real good friends!

don't you love the memories. im keeping them coming [: this was taken in 2008 too, though we had already graduated in 2007, we had to go back to collect our results, and apparently as this picture can tell, it was worth it. thats mrs lim, our amaths teacher, the best ever. and thats my class, 404. gosh remembering things brings about such emotions you can barely describe.

And its on to Church Camp 2008!

theres me and mark zhou! smiling away like always.

yep, thats me with charlene, grace and peiying! and when i first saw it, i was thinking. damn this makes me look so skinny and pimpified.

now theres all of us! charlene, grace, me, mark and peiying. its quite sad i didnt any photos with the rest.. this photos were quite impromptu too, when we were waiting for the service to start and nobody was there yet, grace went, PICTURES! yup.

and thats about it for this post. hoping for more pictures soon, and thanks be to god for single thing he has done in my life, right from the start, when he chose to bring me here :)