Friday 27 March 2009

Something's Wrong.

I can feel it inside me. I've never felt this way before. 
Something is there, but isn't there at the same time. 
It feels like I can reach it, but I can't. 
I'm stuck. And I feel I'm slowly losing my mind. 
What do I really want? Which want of mine can I actually get?

I fear how short life actually is. How little time we have.
The days pass us by like a gale.
Anyone of us could be here one day and gone the next.
What if it were me. Almost 18 years are gone, what's left?
How much difference would I have made? 
Who would care?

Our lifes can't keep up with the speed that time moves.
Why do we stay where we are?
Who are we to leave people behind?
Nobody stops to care about those left behind by others.

It's a cruel world. Lets not make it any worse.
We all need abit of love.
Some need it more than others.
I'm doing my best to give what I have.
But don't let me run dry. 

[Amazing as you are.]
You know I need you.
Your words. Your actions. And you.

edit: HowmushycanIget. -.-
I could write the above sentence because I read the post again 20 minutes after I typed it.
but i guess i really do need things from the one that affects my life the most.
Something i'd love,
are the sweet nothings that just make your heart skip a beat and leave you smiling to yourself.
Those that someone whispers into your ear as and when they feel like.
Those that come in a text in the middle of the night.
Those that let you know just how much you're loved when you're down.
Those that are said, simply because that someone loves you that much.

I don't know if I'm much of a romantic.
But I'd like to have one who is.
Or who could be if she knew it'd make me happy.

Saturday 21 March 2009


Alright. After a long long period of sitting in other peoples' showers and thinking about stuff, I've actually posting a post. with pictures. cool non-emo pictures. :D

I'll start with a something cool I saw not long ago..
This rainbow popped up right above the street I was living on, stretching from one end to the other. I couldn't even get the whole rainbow to fit into the picture!

Rainbows are one thing, but playing around with cute little horsies and a spongebob in the lit room is another matter entirely!
Thats me and Chia How with our mighty stallions!

And that, for you my dear readers, is your affable little blogger with spongebob! =D
Never. EVER. Come between me and spongebob. Or laugh at us. Or even GIGGLE.
I'm watching you.
[Haha, its an inside joke. We were fighting over spongebob. He was the least dirty/dusty/shmoofy soft toy. D:]

Okay and now here's a little personal collection I'm trying to start, its called Joshua and the 20 cent rides! [Though the price has risen to crazy amounts, like as much as 2 bucks?] Haha. Anyways, just to get things going, heres two of them!
Cookie monster ride@Harbourfront Centre!

Thomas the Engine ride@United Square!

Oh yes, talking about United Square[dammit i KEEP SPELLING SQAURE WRONG. haha.] Anyway, I had a buffet dinner there on friday night! It was a treat by a special lady in my life. My grandma. (: Lol. Yup, anyway we had dinner at a place called Vienna. Though half-expecting like posh local/angmoh waiters and waitresses to go with the name, every single one of them were chinx. every. single. one. Haha, but the food was damnnn good though. Me and my cousin spammed the alcoholic peppermint drink. I had like 7 cups or smth :D Hah. It wasn't all that alcoholic though. And it tasted like mouthwash.. ><

Hokay, and here comes the finale. THE finale. Of pictures from a boy's[MAN's] phone. This is what happens to you when you're stuck in a situation where you can't get a girl.. Guys. Who else can give you more love than anyone else when you're in that situation? Scroll down to find out (:
[Only in that situation dudes, if you already have a girl, its an obvious decision what you should do instead.]Threesome.

Threesome yet again. :D Guess our lucky number haha.

Alright thats all for now! It's good to be back.. I'll post again soon yeah!

Anyway just a small note!
Apologies for the not-so-good quality pictures..
Their from a 2mp phone camera. AND.
This post is entirely made to make you laugh (:
Especially the finale!
And its especially for a poohbearlover's enjoyment.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Hey guys, sorry for the really seldom posts which usually turn out quite un-fun. All you loyal readers deserve better! And guess what, I've got just a couple of pictures for you guys to enjoy. And they'll be up pretty soon! Say, by the next post? 

A whole new side of this little blog's writer.

Hehheh. Don't kill yourself while you're in suspense. And yes of course, I know all you people miss me. I miss you guys too :D Yup, even you, the one staring at this right now. 
'Cept for chiahow d=
but seriously, we need to catch up. (: its been too long.

And the Thinking, here it Starts.

sitting in the bathtub under the shower.
thinking, as the water pours down on me.
there's no time, yet so much to do.
what happens next?

btw my friends, it's time for us to catch up.