Monday, 7 December 2009
Hello all you people! You guys have gotta see this. Amazing guy with amazing videos. PLUS he's got really cool costumes lol. Check this out.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Le Bibliotheque
was the place of quiet and peace. But yet at the same time, the same rage and turmoil was boiling within each and every one of them. Their angst and withheld temper seething through their faintly-yellowed teeth as they scratched down hard on the paper on which they wrote; some in english, others in french. So engrossed were they in their work that they barely noticed the shadow slipping and weaving in and out of the bookcases, appearing only for a fraction of time before vanishing yet again. It swept on by, sneaking glances at those around, looking for the one who would be foolish enough to speak to any other. Why? It was thirsting. Thirsting to squelch the voices of those who dared to raise it. This was how it was in Le Bibliotheque. So it was indeed.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
We all need a push sometimes.
Relationships and me don't get along too well.
There's always something inside my head,
Telling me to back away every time I draw near.
Telling me that it's just gonna be a repeat.
Telling me that its never gonna work.
And I've been agreeing with it so far.
But, is it still possible?
I really wanna find out..
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Over the Non-existant Yellow Brick Road
The Wizard of Oz is such a huge lie.
There was never a Wizard, or any place, thing or whatever called Oz.
The Scarecrow never moved, or thought up any bright ideas. He was a lumpy pile of hay and straw.
The Lion never got scared. Not even when he realised he was a man in a lousy excuse of a lion suit.
The Tin Man never cared. No, he never did. He just laughed his hollow, malleable, metallic laugh.
And Dorothy never left Kansas. No she didn't. How do I know? Only cos she was with me the whole time. In the wheat fields. The towering yellow wheat fields that concealed everything and soon smelled of... ah nevermind. Hehheh..
Hahaha dammit, boredom gets me going. The previous two sentences were inspired by a game I played last time! Alice Returns to Wonderland.
Lol anw, everything above is totally bullshit.
No truth in it at all.
So, Yes The Wizard of Oz exists.
Or does he?
Sunday, 16 August 2009
To be eloquent in the language where the profiencient use of it in moderation would allow me the subtle training of the mind and the tongue,
I write this title. Haha. That was just for the fun of it, but on to the real stuff.
My parents brought me out for a treat today and we went to CARNIVORE BRAZILIAN CHURRASCARIA. Haha, the caps wasn't for the effect. It's really spelt like that so I thought I'd give it the honour of typing it properly, cos the food was goooood. Its like a meat buffet with a salad bar for sides! Chunks of meat just come falling down onto your plate, (literally!) cos the waiters hold these huge chunks of meat on giant skewers which they cut in front of you with big pointy knives that they point at you (see the pointiness!) when asking if you want any. You guys should try it someday. if I'm not wrong the lunch buffet is till 3. :D Yum.
Oh and this just reminded me of this saying I've heard of. "The way to a Man's heart is through his stomach." And you know, in some ways, that Could be true. I've gotta ask my buds what they think about it though..
OH haha and i just remembered again. There's like another saying that goes, "The way to a Man's heart is through his chest." ouch. D: But I guess that's true too. Lol.
Anw, on the not-so-bright and slightly gloomy side, As are coming. And I'm not prepared.. :/ Darn scary.
Monday, 27 July 2009
Friday, 10 July 2009
Latest Boyband in town!
They've got a singer, and three others who like to sing.
They've got matching outfits.
They've got ties.
They've even got 'We Look Like A Boyband Photos!'
Presenting the CCGJ:
[Open the image URLs for optimum viewing pleasure lol]

Awesome. (:
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Hai Guys
Hey there people, exams just started eh? Ya know, I've been listening to Michael Bublé lately when I'm studying, or just up in my room. And he's awesome. Seriously. Some of the songs I like are Lost, Everything, Home, Wonderful Tonight, Always on My Mind, and a few others that I can't remember right now. Really, really good.
Alright, maths tomorrow. Another fun 3 hours. ~^~
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Congrats, you got yourself a post.
Seriously, why are there these people tagging on my tagboard retarded stuff that I have never said or done before? No, I don't think I can get any girl. No, I don't go around being a retard thinking I'm well-liked. But Yes I do talk about girls, not all the time of course, but I do. Because IM A GUY. But wtf is up with 'girls girls girls are all you talk about and want'? If you people are actually guys, you must have really low testosterone levels to even be saying this. Because guys talk about girls. Period. Plus you obviously don't know me at all. Actually I doubt I even talk to you. I try to keep myself away from people like you, you see. Those that do these kinda really stupid things. You know why you can't put your name? Its not cause you're scared of me. There's nothing scary about me. Its cos you're scared of other people knowing who you are, those who will be talking about you, like how you and your group of friends talk about others. Maybe not talk actually. More like gossip.
I go around in school and have fun with my friends like all of you do, and keep my head low at other times. I've been friendly to those friendly to me, and don't make an ass out of myself in public. What have I said or done that has warranted this bullshit? If you guys actually have something worthwhile to say, say it. Don't go around acting like little girls trying to say bad stuff about people just cause you're oh-so deeply hurt by something. I actually thought that people in JC have all grown up, but apparently not.
Learn to be more mature please.
Have a problem with someone and it bothers you, talk to the person face to face. Have a problem with someone you don't give a damn about, then Don't give a damn about that person! He's still giving you problems? Then go back to the first sentence of this paragraph.
You watch yourself.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Heyhey guys, looks like I left it off over here in a not so exultant tone. So i've been trying desperately to study while I've been away, and I've actually managed to do a little.. Hah. Yeah.. Anw, I had my three days of holidays that were just awesome. Was out pretty much the entire 3 days with friend(s), had fun chatting and doing shit, and had a little to drink. (:
Anw, its back to studies for now. Or at least attempts at studying. I'll post some pics up next time. Theres me and my churchies at bottle tree park, me and that-girl-i-met#6 and me and that-girl-i-met#372. Hahahah. d= Nah.
Oh yes, and i just had an xray done for my teeth yesterday, and looks like the roots of my two bottom wisdom teeth are growing dangerously close to some 2 main nerves or smth. Dentist said it's gonna be pretty tough so it won't just be an extraction. It'll be a SURGERY...
Haha the blank space was to let that sink in for a moment.. But nah, its probably just another extraction.. After my As probably? He was saying. You gotta do it Immediately after As. So i guess I'll be missing out on going out for a day or so. Haha damn.
Alrightalright, its time to go. So, I'll see all you soon yeah (: Missing you guys already..
Friday, 12 June 2009
Boredom and a Spinning Head..
I don't know whats doing it, but maybe its the stuff i drowned myself in earlier. Its got to me I think. Stuff from not long ago are coming back into my mind and I'm just thinking again.. Wondering. Contemplating. Sheesh.
I'm gonna drown myself till I can't remember no more. And I think I'll actually enjoy it. It'll be like dying, and living again.
You know, I think I've changed quite abit compared to when I was younger. It feels as though my moral values are crashing down as I grow older. It may have been cause my morals were like really upright then or smth? Back then I was wondering why people do the things that I now either do, or am seriously tempted to do.. Its as though, somehow, I know that one day it'll happen. Like, one day, I'll stop giving a damn about the shit I am wary of now, and just dive head in into all that. And I'll be relishing it. Every moment of it.
Alright, my fingers aren't even typing the right letters anymore, and my mind is feeling all messed up. I think I'll be off to sleep..
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Theory of a Deadman - Not Meant To Be
It's never enough to say I'm sorry
It's never enough to say I care
But I'm caught between what you
Wanted from me, and knowing
If I give that to ya
I might just disappear.
Nobody wins when everyone's losing
Oh, it's like
One step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I can't change your mind,
Oh, it's like
Trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me and I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be
It's never enough to say I love you
No, it's never enough to say I try
It's hard to believe that's there's
No way out for you and me
And it seems to be,
The story of our life
Nobody wins when everyone's losing
It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I can't change your mind, oh
It's like trying to turn around on a
One way street. I can't give
You what you want and it's killing me
And I, I'm starting to see
That maybe we're not meant to be
There's still time to turn this around
Should we be building this up
Instead of tearing it down
But I keep thinking
Maybe it's too late.
It's like one step forward
And two steps back,
No matter what I do
You're always mad
And I, can't change your mind, oh
It's like tryin to turn around
On a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me and I,
I finally see,
Baby we're not meant to be
It's like one step forward,
And two steps back,
No matter what I do
You're always mad,
And I, Baby I'm sorry to see,
Maybe we're not meant to be
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
someone take me away.
take me far away.
so i can't find my way back.
and I'll be lost. But not alone.
Anyway, apart from all that, looks like the school term's coming to an end for a month. Will definitely miss all you guys in school! Yes even all you people that I rarely ever say hi too cos I'm too Shy. Haha. Yup. Had Astons with 3 of my classmates today and it was awesome, after that we walked around serangoon gardens and explored abit. Saw some cool stuff, plus a special cage for our class mascot! I've gotta say, serangoon gardens would be a lovely place to live in. The environment is just so non-singapore-ish.. like where else can you find narrow bricked roads with benches below trees in the middle of them!
Yup. Awesome. School should cancel assembly altogether and let us go on food hunting trips around singapore :D agree?
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Hey guys! I'm back. I've been on MC for the past 2 days, and the first day was fine cos of all the catching up on sleep and all, but today was seriously treading thinly on the edge of utter boredom. :/ I need my friends see. D: Haha, anyway, its been raining start-stop for the whole afternoon and I've been reading my geog notes a little at a time. A little dampening on the mood, but the weather's awesome when the rain stops. (:
Just a random thought: I Can't wait for my 18th birthday. :D
Enjoy (:
[its jap btw, if you dont like jap and all. im no big fan, but its worth a look!]
Yup, anw its gonna be crazy study mode pretty soon, with As coming up and all. Plus I'm rather far behind. So I've gotta start soon..
Annd, for those that are interested, I'll be at amk library monday-friday every week during the june hols. Haha okay maybe not EVERY of those monday-fridays, but I'll be there often. So if you need a study buddy (oo it rhymes!), just give me a ring alright?
Monday, 18 May 2009
Thought provoking thoughts.
1>Have we ever wondered what kind of people we are? Many a time we are just ignorant about it, or we don't even care.
2>What is it about us that makes our friends want to be with us?
3>And what is it about us that makes others distance themselves from us?
4>But the main question is, if we look at our lives that we have led thus far, what do we actually think of ourselves? What do we think about all we have done? And what do we think about what we did not do?
5>What do we see in ourselves that we know is right and can be truly be proud of, and not merely proud of because of our ego?
6>Do we see ourselves as being someone who cares more for others, or for ourselves? Would we do something for others at the expense of something that we treasure for ourselves? It may be the reputation for some, or time for others. Would we? Or have we?
7>Lastly, even when we know what we are like, do we show our good side often enough? Do we try to fix our flaws? And how much effort do we put into fixing those flaws? Enough to really help us change? Or merely enough to Show ourselves that we are trying even though very often, it doesn't seem to work?
I'm just throwing some thoughts into this little box. If this post seems like its talking to you, pointing its stubby little finger accusingly at you, then my reader, I'm sure we have things to work on! If it doesn't, then good job living your life, I'm sure many love to have you around.. (:
But frankly, I think I've got much to change, and I can't wait to do so. Its not gonna be easy, but I'm up for the challenge. Because I'd rather live a life making others happy more often than making myself happy. So here's a shoutout to my buds out there, give me a heads-up when you think I need to change something. Nicely though haha. And this starts now. [:
Saturday, 16 May 2009
the place with the awesome menus AND toilets. (with really good pictures and all. lol.) I mean, they had a huge wall of pretty darn good pictures right in your face when you stood at the urinal to pee. like shiet. how do you pee when you have all those pics in your face! You'd probably have other stuff flowing into the urinal. Thats probably the only toilet I've been to that has a good reason why their urinals are white. rofl. D:
ANYWAY. Had a great time there celebrating potato's birthday. Their chicken wings were awesome. we got like 100 of them :D And it was damnnnnn funny when they dressed potato up like one of the hooter's girls, with a wig and feathery scarf and all. haha. we were like laughing our heads off. Here are just a couple of pics of us:
Extra special highlight of the night: Jacques got drunk drinking really expensive mineral water. LOL.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Hey guys! I just got the permission from my awesome friend who took this awesome photo with a phone camera! No editing and stuff. The way some of the clouds blend in the background and the way the others jump out of the picture in the midst of the HDB blocks make it seem so unreal, but yet so real at the same time.

What a wonderful world we live in.
If we really open our eyes to it, In everything and everyone,
only beauty will we see.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Hey guys! its time for a quick little update. (:
Its been a boring weekend and I didn't really go out much. But guess what, I've been eating cookie after cookie. [So let's call it the cookie weekend. awesome. :D] Anyway, their the huge, round subway ones with big chunks of chocolate in them. (: yum. and well, the box of 12 is down to 2 now. haha. damn. :/ its time to start rationing.
On the topic of food, I had lunch at Vivo earlier today and it was damnnn good. Ate at this place called Dian Xiao Er on the second level of Vivo and the food was just awesome. Had some 6 or 7 course meal where every single course was awesome! And their well known for their roast duck, which of course, was awesome as well. Apparently there's this thing about awesome today, and its really hard to put it in words and all, so I'll just leave it as:
Awesome this + Awesome that =
Pure Awesome-ness.
Haha. Yup. Oh and do you guys realise something? The more you stare at any word, like 'awesome', the stranger it looks? Like your eyes are slowly breaking it into its syllables and your brain just catches on to 'awe' and 'some'. Lol. Randomosities of life.
Anyway, its time for me to get back to my cookies, and MAYBE start on abit of work which I've barely touched this entire weekend.. Life really sucks nowadays. Its like we HAVE to study 24/7 or we just fall behind.. Plus I cant believe some guy got straight As for block test. Like woah. o.o Though he's probably some scholar and all.
So yup, cya all my loyal little readers [: I'll try to keep the updates more regular yeah..
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Its the 5th. and Im feeling so far away..
Just a fear.
I don't wanna be just another guy, or just another crush.
not this time. not ever.
I don't wanna be the guy who's everything you could want,
but not the one you want.
Tell me I'm being silly.
Tell me its not true.
Tell me that Im the one you want.
And I'll smile to myself for the entire day.
And the rest of the days after that.
Today's real post:
I've been feeling so weird the entire day, I don't know if you can sense it.
But I can't put my finger on it.
It feels like I need someone next to me, whom I know is there for me,
who will just turn to give me a hug, and to whom I can do the same.
Someone who shares something special with me, and only me.
And it doesn't matter whether its silence between us or not.
Its just that person being there that matters..
And I wanna be that someone for you too..
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Orientation 2009!
Hey guys! Just reminiscing the past right now. And I realised I forgot to put up orientation pictures! So here's just what I've got right now (: Orientation was rather fun, thanks to the really retardedly funny ogls, and our ogms..
Enjoy :)
Lol Random pictures with foreigners at Sentosa. It was some activity that we had to do.. Some of them actually didn't want to take pictures with us cos they were pissed that so many groups of people were just constantly running to them and asking for photos every few steps they took.
These were the friendlier ones lol:
Day 4! [Day 3 was CCA Bazaar, so I dont have any pictures of that ):] Just before disco night and just after dinner! Everyone was gearing up for the night already and we were just taking pictures and having some fun :D
I think we were ABOUT to watch the dancing king and queen nominees dance. The guy dancers were amazing thise year, but frankly I still prefer RJ's dancing for the girls haha.
Just after disco night! With all the lights on and stuff. Pretty much drenched in sweat but you can't really see it from here.. It was fun.. It was. (: [Haha, I paused to think back.] Oh yes, I remember, at the ending of disco night I got partnered up with RJ on stage! And yeah, pretty awesome. (:
Marty 5!
Here are a few pictures that I have of the people I specially wanna thank for helping me throughout orientation. Their great people yeah (:
[Haha I realised I don't have a picture of the 3 "jo's" together..
But it was jocelyn, jolyn and joshua!]
[Lol can you believe it, he's my kindergarten friend.]
And not forgetting all the other ogls and councillors who've been a great help! I don't have your pictures, but yeah. you're appreciated (:
And hello miss i-look-very-mature-especially-with-makeup!
Hope you're having fun now (:
Can't get you off my mind..
Actually, its more like I don't wanna. :)
Never Expected These.
>Words cant describe the disappointment i'm feeling right now..
>But anyway! I'm going swimming tmr, followed by touch rug! All nicely scheduled to fit into the morning.
>And something's changing. Cos I've been getting some sort of feeling recently. Something I haven't felt in a long time. And its a good thing. It makes me smile. (:
Friday, 27 March 2009
Something's Wrong.
I can feel it inside me. I've never felt this way before.
Something is there, but isn't there at the same time.
It feels like I can reach it, but I can't.
I'm stuck. And I feel I'm slowly losing my mind.
What do I really want? Which want of mine can I actually get?
I fear how short life actually is. How little time we have.
The days pass us by like a gale.
Anyone of us could be here one day and gone the next.
What if it were me. Almost 18 years are gone, what's left?
How much difference would I have made?
Who would care?
Our lifes can't keep up with the speed that time moves.
Why do we stay where we are?
Who are we to leave people behind?
Nobody stops to care about those left behind by others.
It's a cruel world. Lets not make it any worse.
We all need abit of love.
Some need it more than others.
I'm doing my best to give what I have.
But don't let me run dry.
[Amazing as you are.]
You know I need you.
Your words. Your actions. And you.
edit: HowmushycanIget. -.-
I could write the above sentence because I read the post again 20 minutes after I typed it.
but i guess i really do need things from the one that affects my life the most.
Something i'd love,
are the sweet nothings that just make your heart skip a beat and leave you smiling to yourself.
Those that someone whispers into your ear as and when they feel like.
Those that come in a text in the middle of the night.
Those that let you know just how much you're loved when you're down.
Those that are said, simply because that someone loves you that much.
I don't know if I'm much of a romantic.
But I'd like to have one who is.
Or who could be if she knew it'd make me happy.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Alright. After a long long period of sitting in other peoples' showers and thinking about stuff, I've actually posting a post. with pictures. cool non-emo pictures. :D
This rainbow popped up right above the street I was living on, stretching from one end to the other. I couldn't even get the whole rainbow to fit into the picture!
Thats me and Chia How with our mighty stallions!
And that, for you my dear readers, is your affable little blogger with spongebob! =D
Never. EVER. Come between me and spongebob. Or laugh at us. Or even GIGGLE.
I'm watching you.
[Haha, its an inside joke. We were fighting over spongebob. He was the least dirty/dusty/shmoofy soft toy. D:]
Okay and now here's a little personal collection I'm trying to start, its called Joshua and the 20 cent rides! [Though the price has risen to crazy amounts, like as much as 2 bucks?] Haha. Anyways, just to get things going, heres two of them!
Cookie monster ride@Harbourfront Centre!
Thomas the Engine ride@United Square!
Oh yes, talking about United Square[dammit i KEEP SPELLING SQAURE WRONG. haha.] Anyway, I had a buffet dinner there on friday night! It was a treat by a special lady in my life. My grandma. (: Lol. Yup, anyway we had dinner at a place called Vienna. Though half-expecting like posh local/angmoh waiters and waitresses to go with the name, every single one of them were chinx. every. single. one. Haha, but the food was damnnn good though. Me and my cousin spammed the alcoholic peppermint drink. I had like 7 cups or smth :D Hah. It wasn't all that alcoholic though. And it tasted like mouthwash.. ><
Hokay, and here comes the finale. THE finale. Of pictures from a boy's[MAN's] phone. This is what happens to you when you're stuck in a situation where you can't get a girl.. Guys. Who else can give you more love than anyone else when you're in that situation? Scroll down to find out (:
[Only in that situation dudes, if you already have a girl, its an obvious decision what you should do instead.]
Threesome yet again. :D Guess our lucky number haha.
I'll start with a something cool I saw not long ago..
Rainbows are one thing, but playing around with cute little horsies and a spongebob in the lit room is another matter entirely!
Never. EVER. Come between me and spongebob. Or laugh at us. Or even GIGGLE.
I'm watching you.
[Haha, its an inside joke. We were fighting over spongebob. He was the least dirty/dusty/shmoofy soft toy. D:]
Okay and now here's a little personal collection I'm trying to start, its called Joshua and the 20 cent rides! [Though the price has risen to crazy amounts, like as much as 2 bucks?] Haha. Anyways, just to get things going, heres two of them!
Oh yes, talking about United Square[dammit i KEEP SPELLING SQAURE WRONG. haha.] Anyway, I had a buffet dinner there on friday night! It was a treat by a special lady in my life. My grandma. (: Lol. Yup, anyway we had dinner at a place called Vienna. Though half-expecting like posh local/angmoh waiters and waitresses to go with the name, every single one of them were chinx. every. single. one. Haha, but the food was damnnn good though. Me and my cousin spammed the alcoholic peppermint drink. I had like 7 cups or smth :D Hah. It wasn't all that alcoholic though. And it tasted like mouthwash.. ><
Hokay, and here comes the finale. THE finale. Of pictures from a boy's[MAN's] phone. This is what happens to you when you're stuck in a situation where you can't get a girl.. Guys. Who else can give you more love than anyone else when you're in that situation? Scroll down to find out (:
[Only in that situation dudes, if you already have a girl, its an obvious decision what you should do instead.]

Alright thats all for now! It's good to be back.. I'll post again soon yeah!
Anyway just a small note!
Apologies for the not-so-good quality pictures..
Their from a 2mp phone camera. AND.
This post is entirely made to make you laugh (:
Especially the finale!
And its especially for a poohbearlover's enjoyment.
Apologies for the not-so-good quality pictures..
Their from a 2mp phone camera. AND.
This post is entirely made to make you laugh (:
Especially the finale!
And its especially for a poohbearlover's enjoyment.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Hey guys, sorry for the really seldom posts which usually turn out quite un-fun. All you loyal readers deserve better! And guess what, I've got just a couple of pictures for you guys to enjoy. And they'll be up pretty soon! Say, by the next post?
A whole new side of this little blog's writer.
Hehheh. Don't kill yourself while you're in suspense. And yes of course, I know all you people miss me. I miss you guys too :D Yup, even you, the one staring at this right now.
'Cept for chiahow d=
but seriously, we need to catch up. (: its been too long.
And the Thinking, here it Starts.
sitting in the bathtub under the shower.
thinking, as the water pours down on me.
there's no time, yet so much to do.
what happens next?
btw my friends, it's time for us to catch up.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Honestly, I'm finding myself in the exact same position as you right now.
Think hard and you'll know what I mean.
This only goes on for so long.
I guess care and concern is something I would love to give to you, but apparently the things that are going on right now are making me think twice. There will come a point where you will have to choose too, like him, and that point is not very far away..
I'm truly confounded by the way you treat me while you're treating him like that. I think that if I were to care for my ex that way right now, you wouldn't even bother about me one bit. I'm not asking you to stop treating me the way you do, but I simply cannot live with the fact that someone special to me is treating me as specially as that other guy.
I've got a little issue with the trust between us too. Who is to say what you have done, are doing, or are capable of doing, when we both know that you are so ready to do so many things. Though I really want to, there are times when I simply cannot bring myself to trust you. Don't blame it entirely on me being paranoid or whatever. Frankly, you haven't really done anything that has strengthened my trust in you. What I've noticed is the secrets that you somehow have to keep from me and the way you treat guys. Like him. Tell me I'm wrong when I say that these don't help one bit in the amount of trust I have in you. Okay, maybe we just got to know each other not too long ago and all, but that doesn't change the fact that keeping all these secrets does make me terribly suspicious.
You've asked, why am I always so moody? I am partly to blame, but maybe sometimes, you should ask yourself that question too..
I know that there are many things you have done for me, like accompanying me to study, making time to spend with me and all. You do the most touching things and send the loveliest messages. But is there anything special about that, because I see things like that happening between you and the other guys. Somehow, sometimes you give me the impression you're totally uninterested. I feel so dispensable by the fact that when I'm not with you, there is always someone else. And one day, I'll probably just be dumped aside when I'm no longer needed. Am I just here to fill the void someone else left. Or am I really wanted here in your life.
I have come to this point, where I'm almost on the edge of just letting go and walking away. But who's to say, it was nothing to begin with. Like what you once said him. You keep saying that you are all pissed off and unhappy with him, but I was dumbfounded when I heard you went to have dinner with him. And worse still, you had to keep his identity a secret when you were talking about him to your friends because I was around.
You know, to me you're this bubbly, cheerful girl who is so full of life. Yet at the same time, you seem so capable of being this cold, ruthless person who will dish out terribly torturous punishments to anyone who makes you unhappy. Sometimes, I don't know what to make of you.
I do want to let you know, you're my one and only right now and you have my undivided attention. I'll support you and I'll be there for you. But there will come a point when I want to receive the same amount of love from you. And I'm saying love, not like or any other form of feeling, because I find myself sinking deeper into it. And only love could have made me do the things I've done, and even bothering to even type this out when every sentence I type makes my heart cringe because I know how upset it will make you. But I have to write how I feel, and I hope you will understand, and do something about it. I don't want to have to disappear from your life.
Maybe I'm a fool. Maybe I've been getting the wrong message all along. Maybe what you have for me, is not what I have for you. Maybe one day you'll come to me and say "I'm sorry, I'm choosing him." Maybe there's more to it than what I've heard. Maybe I'm holding you back from the one you really want. Maybe I should back off. Maybe you'll agree. These Insecurities. Their tearing me down.
*I have given much thought in this, and this is how I feel right now. So please, try to understand where I'm coming from and use it to understand me more. Unless of course you don't want to.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
hey guys,
i know i haven't been blogging for a long time now. so, heres a short little post (:
block test is coming up round the corner and i'm sure the bulk of sane humankind are getting pretty panicky or crazy about it. there's barely a week left to study and most of us have not covered even half the stuff we need to revise. i'm pretty sure we all can relate to that. :/
but i guess someone has been brightening up my life quite abit.. and honestly, i didnt think things would start working out this way.. but i just wanna thank that person a whole lot (: u actually make studying fun. and you seem determined to make me fatten up. with a kg of jelly beans :D
i know i haven't been blogging for a long time now. so, heres a short little post (:
block test is coming up round the corner and i'm sure the bulk of sane humankind are getting pretty panicky or crazy about it. there's barely a week left to study and most of us have not covered even half the stuff we need to revise. i'm pretty sure we all can relate to that. :/
but i guess someone has been brightening up my life quite abit.. and honestly, i didnt think things would start working out this way.. but i just wanna thank that person a whole lot (: u actually make studying fun. and you seem determined to make me fatten up. with a kg of jelly beans :D
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